THE EXERCISES: How to use the Armory

It is very easy to use the Armory. The Armory operates through adjustable tension in the bands. Best resistance is achieved with enough bands to challenge you at a 45 degree torque.  Adjust resistance by adding or removing bands to achieve desired level. In the area of 15-20 repetitions are recommended.  Please consult your health care professional before beginning any exercise program.  Resistance bands are 100% natural latex. 

To operate, grip one handle tight while using the other to turn up to 45 degrees (not to pass 90 degrees) using your wrist, keeping elbows stationary.  Keep in mind that if you do not stabilize with one specific hand, you will not be able to isolate the muscle group of the opposite arm, resulting in inferior training, due to the "favoring" of the stronger arm.  This is a fun way to use the Armory - but it is not a good muscle isolating technique.

Extension/Flexion 1 :  Grasp the black rubber handgrips palms down, horizontally with your arms at shoulder height. While gripping tight with one hand (stabilizing), rotate the other hand forward. Switch hands and repeat, then do the reverse while stabilizing with one hand, palm down and rotate the other hand, with palm up backwards. Switch and repeat. 


Extension/Flexion 2 :  Do exercise the same as above, only use a vertical position. Remember do not move your elbows. You will be activating the tendons from a different angle, as a result, you will work the forearm muscles from a different angle. Remember to stabilize with one hand grip. If you torque with both hands, it will cause a favoring of your stronger arm. It is fun to use the armory this way but it is not a good muscle isolating technique.

Pronation/Supination 3 :  Point the armory away from you, horizontally while holding both grips palm up. The position is similar to that of grasping a door knob. While holding the far hand tight (stabilizing) turn the closest handle counter-clockwise like you are turning a knob. Reverse this exercise by putting the closest hand palm down and turning clockwise. Switch and repeat.